Mental Health Professionals
Information for Mental Health Professionals
We (Erin and Josh) are both seasoned clinical psychologists, with deep clinical experience across settings and populations. We maintain our own private practices in addition to our work at the Two Rivers Mindfulness Institute. As active treating psychologists, we have seen firsthand the benefits of having clients participate in mindfulness-based training while continuing with regularly scheduled individual psychotherapy sessions with their treating clinicians. With clients increasing their self-awareness and self-regulation skills through mindfulness practices, therapists often find that psychotherapy progress also increases, regardless of the theoretical background of the therapist. If you are a mental health professional, wondering if and what type of mindfulness training might be appropriate for your client(s), please contact us. We would love to talk it through with you. Should you refer a client to one of our programs you can expect the following:
- We will obtain a release of information, in order to collaborate with you to best serve your client.
- We will be clear in our roles as mindfulness trainers, and respect your role as primary therapist
- Our mindfulness training with your client (whether individual or group) will be time-limited and focused
Sign Up
For more information or to sign up for this course, please complete the form and Erin or Josh will get back to you shortly.
Thank you for your time and interest.